How Dynamic Languages Revolutionized Virtual Machines? (Python Virtual Machine 1)
Learn how programming languages evolved and why virtual machines revolutionized software development. Build a Python VM from scratch with C++ and CMake!
Welcome to the "Python Virtual Machine" Series
Welcome to join this learning journey and take the first step toward building a Python virtual machine from scratch.
Before we begin, I’d like to take you on a brief tour of the history of programming languages. In this process, you will see how programming language virtual machines came into being, what features they evolved to overcome the shortcomings of static languages, and the different implementation strategies of various programming languages.
By the end of this lesson, you’ll be able to answer the question: “Where do virtual machines come from?”
The Development of Programming Languages
As computer technology has advanced to where it is today, many programming languages have been created, each with its own working principles.
Based on their closeness to the hardware platform, we can roughly divide programming languages into low-level languages, represented by assembly language, and high-level languages, represented by C++ and Java.